Donations: Cash Donations Trusts Program Sponsors Non-Cash Donations


If you or your organization would like to donate but would prefer having more control over how your money is being spent, then maybe you would like to consider establishing a trust account. The Ti-Loup & La Poule Foundation will set up and administer the account and you can designate exactly what the money will be used for. We will provide personal reporting to you either quarterly or annually (your choice).

A minimum donation of $5,000 is required to establish a trust fund and you will receive a tax receipt providing restrictions placed are in line with Canada Revenue Agency guidelines.

Your name (or your organization's name) and the name of your trust account will be listed on our website as well as in our Annual Report (unless you wish to remain anonymous).

If you would like to establish a trust fund, or would simply like more information, please contact Michael Adams:

Thank you!